Concepts ======== Classes interactions: .. image:: _static/img/concepts_uml.png Engine ------ The **core** of :mod:`Boostrap` is the class :class:`bootstrap.engines.engine.Engine` which contains training and evaluation methods that loop a given number of times over the provided dataset, model, optimizer and view. The engine contains hooks calls that can be triggered at any time during the training and evaluation process. Each of the engine components are able to register hook functions. .. code-block:: python engine.register_hook('train_on_update', display_learning_rate) Also, we rely heavily on factories during the instantiation of the engine in order to provide optimal customizations: .. code-block:: python engine = engines.factory() # dataset is a dictionary that contains all the needed datasets indexed by modes {train, eval} engine.dataset = datasets.factory(engine) # model includes a network, a criterion and a metric engine.model = models.factory(engine) engine.optimizer = optimizers.factory(engine.model, engine) # view will save a view.html in the experiment directory # with some nice plots and curves to monitor training engine.view = views.factory(engine) Execution flow: .. image:: _static/img/concepts_graph.png Dataset ------- In Bootstrap, the dataset is fused with the data loader. The only requirement for the dataset is to be of type :mod:`` and to have the method :mod:`make_batch_loader` which is called by the engine. .. code-block:: python batch_loader = dataset.make_batch_loader() for i, batch in enumerate(batch_loader): # training or evaluation Model ----- The model is a torch.nn.Module composed of a network (ex: resnet152), a criterion (ex: nll) and a metric (ex: accuracy top1/top5). During the forward pass, the model is in charge of passing the batch to the network, criterion, and metric. It outputs a loss value. .. code-block:: python out = model(batch) out['loss'].backward() To be flexible and support complex workflows, the criterions and metrics can vary during the training process depending on the mode (train or eval) or on the dataset split (train, val, test). Options ------- The options class is one of the central components of Boostrap. It manages all of the (hyper) parameters of an experiment, and keeps them stored in a yaml file which is parsed to create default command line arguments. .. code-block:: bash python –m -o mnist/options/sgd.yaml -h Options can be easily overwritten by command line arguments, facilitating hyper parameters search. .. code-block:: bash python –m -o mnist/options/sgd.yaml --exp.dir logs/example --model.metric.topk 1 2 3 For example, for an options file that look like this: .. code-block:: yaml exp: dir: logs/mnist resume: dataset: import: mnist.datasets.factory name: mnist dir: data/mnist train_split: train eval_split: val nb_threads: 4 batch_size: 64 model: name: simple network: import: mnist.models.networks.factory name: lenet criterion: name: nll metric: name: accuracy topk: [1,5] optimizer: name: sgd lr: 0.01 engine: name: default nb_epochs: 10 saving_criteria: - loss:min - acctop1:max view: - logs:train_epoch.loss - logs:eval_epoch.acctop1 You can access every parameter with the singleton :class:`bootstrap.lib.options.Options` class. .. code-block:: python opt = Options() print(opt['engine']) # of type dict print(opt['']) # of type str Once loaded and potentially overwritten, the options are stored in the experiment directory as a yaml file, making the experiment easily reproducible and resumable. .. code-block:: bash python –m -o logs/mnist/options.yaml --exp.resume best_acctop1 Logger ------ Everything related to an experiment is stored in the same directory (logs, checkpoints, visualizations, options, etc.) .. code-block:: bash ls logs/mnist ckpt_last_engine.pth.tar ckpt_last_model.pth.tar ckpt_last_optimizer.pth.tar ckpt_best_acctop1_engine.pth.tar ckpt_best_acctop1_model.pth.tar ckpt_best_acctop1_optimizer.pth.tar logs.json logs.txt options.yaml view.html The singleton class :class:`bootstrap.lib.logger.Logger` can log any variable using a simple key-value interface. .. code-block:: python Logger(dir_logs='logs/mnist') Logger().log_value('train_epoch.epoch', epoch) Logger().log_value('train_epoch.mean_acctop1', mean_acctop1) Logger().flush() # write the logs.json It can also be used to replace the print function. Messages are displayed on the screen and also recorded in a text file, easily accesible during and after the execution of the codep. .. code-block:: python Logger()("Launching training procedures") # written to logs.txt > [I 2018-07-23 18:58:31] ...trap/engines/ Launching training procedures View ---- At the end of each training and evaluation epochs, the :class:`bootstrap.views.view.View` class loads the data from logs.json and generate visualizations. By default, bootstrap.pytorch relies on the plotly library (used by vizdom) to create dynamic plots in javascript inside a view.html file, but `tensorboard `_ files can also be generated. `Example of view.html `_